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AFTER SCHOOL DAYCARE for K4-5th Grade Students
ACA provides early morning care beginning at 7-7:30am and afternoon care from 3:30-5:30pm for $7 per day. Any child in grades K4-5th grade dropped off between 7-7:30am proceed to the cafeteria where a daycare worker will supervise students until 7:30am when teachers arrives.Students may bring breakfast from home or purchase items from the lunchroom during this time.
If you plan for your child to be in daycare, please communicate to your child’s teacher so they can ensure your child has time for afternoon snack. If you child is in K4, K5 and 1st grade eat their afternoon snack (sent from home) with their teacher. All other grades 2nd-5th will go to the cafeteria for a pre-daycare snack that they have either brought from home or want to purchase from the lunchroom at 3:15pm.
At 3:30pm, children move to their daycare locations which will be posted for parents in the foyer outside the office above the water fountain. When you arrive to pick up your child from us in the afternoon it is best to park in the front of the school and enter the front doors where the gym is located, then refer to the daycare location board.
If your child was not planning to go to daycare, yet is not picked up by 3:30 his/her teacher will send them to daycare and you will be charged whether your child is in daycare for 5 minutes or till 5:30pm. The costs of these services are $7 a day, for both am and pm daycare, if your child needs both its still only $7 a day charge. If your child is not picked up by 5:30pm a late fee will be applied at the rate of $6 at 5:31 and a $1 a minute following.
All children who participate in daycare should have an Emergency Contact form completed which can be found under Daycare Form.
For questions about daycare, please contact Daphne Sprayberry at dsprayberry@acacademy.com.