Emergency Information
Emergency contact information should be updated every year during registration. Current, accurate information will enable us to contact you. If any information changes during the school year, contact the school immediately.
Prescription Medication
If prescription medication must be taken at school, the following procedures apply.
1. Prescription Medication Parent Authorization Form – The parent/legal guardian must complete an authorization and instruction form entitled “School Medication Parent Authorization Form.” Your healthcare provider must also sign the form. You can make copies yourself or request additional forms from the school. The completed form must accompany the medication.
2. The medicine, in the original container (along with authorization form), must be taken to the school office.
3. At the designated time, the student will go to the front office to take the medication. Assistance/ supervision will be given in accordance with the instructions on the authorization form.
4. Unused medication should be retrieved from the school office within one week after medication is discontinued or at the end of the school year. Otherwise, the medication will be disposed of.
Non-Prescription (OTC) Medication
Every student must have an "Over-the-Counter Medication Permission Form" signed by the parent prior to any OTC medication administration. This form must be updated EVERY school year. There will be No Exceptions!
Student Illness/ Injury
Sick students who are contagious must not be sent to school. When a student becomes ill at school, the parent must arrange for the student to be taken home. Students must be fever free and/or no vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. By working together, we can strive to ensure the health and well-being of every student.
Current Medical Problems
If your child has asthma, food allergies, seizures, or any other medical problem, please fill out the applicable form and turn it in to the front office. This will ensure that your child gets the proper treatment in case of an emergency. You ONLY need to return the form if this is applicable to YOUR child.
All children attending a private or public school are required to receive certain immunizations. All students must have a current immunization card in their permanent file. If a student is not up-to-date on their immunizations or if their immunization card has expired, parents will receive an email or letter notifying them to send an updated immunization card as soon as possible. A link to The State of Alabama required immunizations list is located under NURSE'S CORNER on the left.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Laura Stough, RN, BSN, Certified in BLS, ACLS, PALS & TNCC